Getting enough exercise is a lot easier if you (a) know how much to get, (b) keep track of what you’re doing, and (c) keep enough variety in your routine to prevent boredom. There’s some high quality, free help out there for all of these challenges. As with all physical exercise, please remember to talk with your doctor and, if possible, a certified trainer before starting a new fitness plan to prevent injury.
MyPlate SuperTracker
We’ve often praised the USDA’s tools for planning a healthy diet, but did you know their SuperTracker can help you with fitness too? Use their tools to set healthy goals and keep track of your progress. Bonus? You can use the same account to keep a food journal too.
Cool Running
You might have heard folks talking about the Couch to 5k training plan–and these are the folks who put it together. It’s not their only resource, though! Their site offers important tips on preventing injuries alongside a host of training plans for many different running goals as well as several options for using the plans with your smartphone.
Spark People
Connect with a fitness community, explore new forms of exercise, keep track of your workouts, and even get nutrition information for your own recipes through Spark People’s extensive website. Ask experts about your fitness questions and sign up for email reminders to keep going on your fitness plan.