Every year, January arrives with anticipation and ideas for how to refocus on health. What do you think about making a few changes this year?
Nutritious choices made simple®
First, as I would say to anyone trying to make a healthy change, the most important things to remember when making a change for yourself is to be kind, patient, and forgiving of yourself…but also, be realistic. Don’t bite off more than you can chew (pun intended). Rather, start with small, reasonable changes and slowly add to those rather than a complete overhaul of your diet. For example, add one extra serving of veggies a day. The same goes when trying to alter or encourage dietary changes for kiddos—especially toddlers who can be as stubborn and unpredictable as the weather in New England. Be realistic and know your audience so that expectations are set appropriately to minimize battles.
I am a food lover and see myself as fairly adventurous when it comes to trying less typical items. So, when I hear of someone disliking a food, I like to look at the way it was prepared or paired. I find a ton of pleasure in finding ways to prepare foods to change a “dislike” into a “like.” Added bonus if it is a nutritious food that can make its way on the “like” list.