Dietitian’s Hub Guiding Stars resources for nutrition professionals

Program Overview
Guiding Stars reads nutrition labels and measures every product using established nutrition science. If it meets our transparent nutrition criteria, it earns a 1, 2, or 3 star rating.
Guiding Stars’ patented algorithm was developed by independent nutrition science and public health experts to evaluate the nutritional value of foods and beverages in the grocery store.
- More
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Fiber
- Whole Grains
- Omega-3s
- Less
- Saturated Fat
- Trans Fat
- Added Sodium
- Added Sugars
- Additives to Limit
Shoppers simply look for the icons on shelf
tags, online, or on product packaging to
quickly find the products with GOOD,
BETTER, and BEST nutrition.

Interested in how we evaluate food? Learn more about the science behind Guiding Stars or dig deep into how stars are assigned.

Subscribe to Our Monthly Newsletter
Discover the latest insights and tips on food, nutrition, and what’s new with Guiding Stars.
Download our one-pager and brochure below.

Catch the Stars Game!
This fun, interactive game shows how Guiding Stars helps shoppers choose more nutritious foods in the store. Try it for yourself, and see how many Star-earning items you can catch before time runs out.

Find Dietitian-Recommended Recipes!
Explore a selection of hand-picked recipes chosen by retail dietitians for nutrition, flavor, ease of prep, and sponsor-friendliness.
Help Answer Consumer Questions
Why don’t some foods have any stars? Why do some “junk foods” earn stars? What do the stars mean? If you’re hearing questions about Guiding Stars from consumers, we’ve probably heard them too. We have a robust Frequently Asked Questions section to help you respond to client and consumer concerns about our program.
If you can’t find the answers you need on our FAQ page, contact our on-staff nutritionist directly for help.
Stay in touch with #GuidingStars

The Science Behind Guiding Stars
The Guiding Stars algorithms are patented and publicly available in our white paper. Our program has been studied in multiple independent, peer-reviewed, published academic studies.