Whether you’re the designated driver or trying to be kind to your body, there are a range of reasons for avoiding the alcoholic options at the holiday parties this year. Don’t feel like this means you can’t drink anything but sparkling water, though! With these fruit-first recipes, you can enjoy a sweet beverage and give your body a little nutrition at the same time.

Chocolate Covered Cherry Smoothies
Chocolate-covered cherries are a beloved holiday treat for good reason. If you’re craving the flavor but want to make sure you’re hitting it with a mini-meal or a healthier dessert option at a party, this smoothie is for you. (3 Guiding Stars)
Cranberry Smoothie
Served in small portions, this smoothie is awesome as either an alternative to eggnog or as a bit of fruity dessert. Tart and smooth, it’s sure to be a favorite with cranberry lovers. (3 Guiding Stars)
Banana Nog
A little eggnog is more than enough, as far as our calorie count is concerned, but the craving for the flavor can stick around. Sate your pate with a bit of this nutmeg-spiced smoothie as part of a mini-meal or in small portions at a party. (3 Guiding Stars)
Fresh Fig and Date Shake
Figs are in season for a short time near the holidays, and this shake is a fantastic way to enjoy a little of their sweet flavor. Share the love by serving these as shooters at a party. (2 Guiding Stars)
Tropical Ginger Punch
Bright and tropical might seem a bit strange for Christmas, but the fresh flavors are just right for clearing your palate after a rich meal. (2 Guiding Stars)
Wassail is the perfect traditional treat to pass around to carolers who come to your door looking for donations for their favorite charities. (2 Guiding Stars)
Hot or Cold Chai Smoothie
While this option will make the vegan or paleo guests at your party pleased, it’s also just darned good, and a warm spiced nut drink is exactly what the holidays call for. (1 Guiding Star)