Healthy Replacements You Can Make in Your Kitchen

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You don’t need to spend a lot to lose a lot (of calories, that is). Try these replacements to make your kitchen – and your cooking habits a little healthier.

Use extra virgin olive oil (or even my Mom’s favorite – sesame oil, which can be used at higher temperatures without burning) instead of butter.

One of my favorite tricks is using fat free (or low fat) plain or flavored yogurt instead of oil when I make brownies. It depends on what you’re making, but there are probably a ton of baking recipes where this trick could be used.

Use egg whites instead of whole eggs – you’ll lose a lot of cholesterol and fat, but maintain the protein.

Love your fruity cocktails? I know they’re yummy, but replace that full-of-sugar juice with soda water in your mixed drinks, and you’ll lose a ton of the calories.

Get rid of your bleached white flour and replace it with whole wheat for all of your baking and cooking.

What is your favorite replacement in the kitchen?

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Keep your fruits and veggies from going bad

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Eating healthy means getting lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are expensive and if not stored properly they will go bad before you get to eat them.

Oxygen, Moisture and direct sun are our worst enemies on keeping fruit and vegetables to last longer after you get them home. Crispers in your fridge are usually great but sometimes it is hard to tell what foods should be left out and which foods should be refrigerated.

Here is a list of some popular fruits and veggies we have at my house and how we store them:

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