3 Tips to Help Your Teen Handle The Holiday Food Fest

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Maybe your teen has “graduated” from the kids’ table to the adult table at holiday mealtime, but that doesn’t mean his tastebuds have matured much. Teens are just as tempted by holiday treats as young children, but there is a big difference with older kids—they frequently have the means to obtain what they want (many have money of their own) when they want it (lots of teens can drive to go get what they want). How do you help your teen enjoy the holidays without throwing healthful eating out the window? Here are a few ways to help, just in time for the holiday rush!

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Blueprint for a Perfect Thanksgiving

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Planning for Thanksgiving…something that has been on my mind A LOT as the calendar gets closer to this wonderful holiday that celebrates food and family. Speaking of family, I have 35 family members that will be joining me this year (and many staying for brunch the next day)…yes, you are reading this correctly.

For holidays like this, we need a strategy. After all, similar to a storm you know is coming (not that I’m likening my family to a storm or anything), what you do ahead is key to a successful outcome.

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Handling Holiday Eating When You Have Diabetes

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From office parties to traditional family celebrations, starting in November, tables become laden with holiday specialties and treats that people with diabetes may typically try to minimize or avoid. November is also American Diabetes Month, and it’s no accident that November 14th, World Diabetes Day, is the birthday of Canadian doctor Sir Frederick Banting, one of the men who discovered insulin. It’s a day to increase awareness of diabetes as a serious disease that strikes one person every 17 seconds here in the U.S., and impacts the nearly 26 million Americans with diagnosed diabetes.

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School Holiday Parties

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Schools are looking for creative ways to celebrate special occasions that emphasize healthier options and make the celebration less about food. As the holiday season gets underway, I have some ideas to share with you that are all about fun and excitement with creative activities and “better-for-you” food options. (Many of these suggestions also help with allergies are some are gluten free and dairy free, all are nut free.)

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5 Cute, Quick & Healthy Valentine’s Ideas

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We’ve all been there. It’s the night before your kid’s classroom V-Day party and you forgot you “volunteered” to bring in a treat for the class. It’s now 8 pm and you’re tired, but the grocery store is open until 9, so if you hurry you can put together something cute and healthy for the little cherubs to enjoy tomorrow. Here are two easy, tasty and Valentine-appropriate snacks that any kid would be proud to bring to the school soiree and a few completely store-bought ideas if you have NO time to prep anything—no guilt necessary!

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Your Holiday Survival Kit

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If only the holidays were actually like the way they look in movies. You know the ideal scene with just the right amount of snow, perfect decorations, beautifully prepared food and relaxed friends and family connecting to enjoy the season. In reality, the snow starts to fall just when you were heading out to shop, the decorations barely make it up, the food doesn’t look like the picture in the cookbook and in spite of all your best intentions to connect, you and your friends are all just too busy.

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