No one doubts that in the heat of summer, cool treats are an essential. Store-bought treats are often full of excessive amounts of sugar, and homemade options often require a lot of time and energy. These simple yogurt pops from The Hazel Bloom seem just about perfect, with one caveat: most flavored yogurts don’t earn Guiding Stars because of the added sugar.

If you want to use the stick-in-the-container method, try to find the “light” yogurts which use calorie-free sweeteners and do earn Guiding Stars, like Crystal Non-Fat Peach Yogurt. If you prefer a sweetener-free version, try this method:
1. Choose a plain, non-fat Greek yogurt that earns Guiding Stars.
2. Choose your favorite fruit. In the summer, pitted tree fruits like peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots are in-season and have a good amount of natural sugar, which means you won’t miss the added sugar.
3. Peel, pit and puree your chosen fruit and mix it into your yogurt.
4. Divide the yogurt equally across a frozen popsicle mold, such as this model from Norpro.
5. Pop into freezer, enjoy some active summer fun and cool down with your frozen treat!