These enchiladas are a wonderful meal fresh from the oven or heated up the next day for lunch. For a quick cheat, you can microwave frozen butternut squash. For a little crunch, toasted pumpkin seeds make a great topping.
Learning how to make your own lower-sugar teriyaki sauce is a great way to spice up any meal. Swap in fish or chicken breast in place of the turkey or swap out the vegetables for your family’s favorite. Not a fan of soba noodles? Go for brown rice or quinoa. Use this recipe as a […]
Enjoy a little Thai spin on a quick pasta salad! Make sure to look for peanut butter that contains only peanuts and salt: this dish doesn’t need the added sugars of many peanut butters.
This is the perfect dish to make whenever the whole bunches of carrots tempt you at the farmers markets. The carrots turn into a creamy soup and their tops make a perfect base for pesto to garnish the soup beautifully.
Push the sugary pumpkin spice latte aside and enjoy the pure taste of pumpkin in this beautifully spiced warm smoothie that is packed with vitamins, fiber and heart healthy fats. If you don’t have these spices on hand, you can also use Pumpkin Spice.
Vanilla, maple syrup, and warm spices bring this protein-rich smoothie together. The almond butter and almond milk make it great for your heart. Bonus benefit: a serving of fruit!
Peanut butter, banana and cocoa…do we need to say more! Goodbye hot chocolate and hello rich chocolate smoothie packed with great-for-you nutrients that will “pass the test” for your whole peanut butter-loving family!