…where parents and teachers submit photos of the lunches served in their schools. Visitors can rate the photos on a scale of one to five stars. I recently submitted my…
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Use your favorite melon to personalize this delicious soup! If you like gazpacho, this recipe is worth a try. The photo shows a soup made with cantaloupe, but you could…
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…need or purchase occasion. JK: Why do only some of the products have photos? JE: Guiding Stars has taken photos and/or found sources of photos for many of the more…
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If you’re on social media or the internet much at all, you’ve likely seen the photos of multiple, matching meals in little boxes all lined up on the counter. These…
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As we celebrate our 10th anniversary this month, we’ve had stories and photos pouring in from many of Hannaford’s RDs as they share how they’ve used Guiding Stars and our…
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…eating more vegetables, most adults over age 18 don’t even come close to meeting total vegetable intake recommendations. The exception is women aged 51-70, who fall just below the recommended…
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Photo by artcookstudio on Freepik. Canned vegetables are budget-friendly, convenient, and can be a great source of nutrients. They are certainly worthy of their proverbial moment in the sun on…
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…Kashmiri friends, and I plan to make it a staple of my diet upon my return. Eating Indian-style. Lunch every day is rice, dahl, mixed vegetables, and chapati. Photo by…
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