Drop the can opener and pick up a bag of cranberries. This simple and delightfully tart sauce is not only a delicious and less sugar-laden version of the beloved Thanksgiving relish, it’s also a beautiful addition to any holiday table.
Fresh cider is one of the joys we delight in during the chilly fall months, which means that it’s bound to make an appearance at parties from harvest time to New Year’s. Fortunately, it’s a treat that comes with little guilt. Dress it up for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or even Christmas for some responsible fun. Tip: […]
Replace the sodas and sugary punches with this delightful mix of tropical punches, which is enlivened by the kick of fresh ginger. If you like your ginger strong, mix this up well in advance of your party to give the liquid more time to become infused with ginger.
Mix up your holiday celebrations with a little old-fashioned fun. This punch is inspired by traditional wassail, a drink which children would receive as thanks for singing carols to neighbors. Pair it with Steamed Blueberry Pudding for a twist on “figgy pudding” that will take your holiday party straight back to Dickensian England.
These dumplings are a wonderful vegan main course that eats similarly to classic sweet and sour meatballs. Serve them with a heaping pile of steamed veggies and brown rice for a well-rounded and scrumptious meal.
Jicama is a starchy vegetable that’s available in most major grocery stores near the tropical fruits, and in many smaller grocers that sell supplies for Central and South American cuisine. Try eating it raw to get a feel for the crisp, lightly sweet flavor. In this tabbouleh, jicama essentially takes the role of starch which […]
Putting in a little extra effort with a simple starch is well-worth your time. A touch of cumin and jalapeño add some heat to this refreshing side that will pair wonderfully with your favorite fish, straight off the grill.
Tomatillos, which are related to tomatoes but have their own special flavor and qualities, are astringent when raw, but gorgeously mellow when roasted. This salsa is the perfect fundamental recipe for learning how to cook with them.